Friday 1 April 2016

April Fools' Day: April 1 Marks Annual Day for Playing Practical Jokes and Spreading Hoaxes

April Fool Day Sometimes Is Called All Fools Day             


The popularization of April Fools' Day dates back to the 1700s, although some historians say the tradition can be traced back to different cultures in the 1500s. 

April 1st is considered as April fools day. We can call it as light hearten day. Everyone plays pranks and bluff each other with false stories. If someone believes the story they will be called as Fool and shouts louder as April Fool. The April fools day is interesting because that unites people of different zones. This day can give lots of fun. Life is all meant to smile and make others smile. This April fool day is apt for this saying. On April Fools day everyone enjoy it and laugh out louder. The victim of the joke is called as Fool.


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